PM opens country's longest bridge

June 09, 2014 | 08:38
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Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung yesterday attended the inauguration ceremony of a bridge spanning the Red River, linking Ha Noi's outlying town of Son Tay with Vinh Tuong District in Vinh Phuc Province.
A view of the Vinh Thinh Bridge. The bridge is expected to facilitate travel between the capital city and surrounding northern provinces. - VNS Photo Huy Hung

As the longest river crossing in the country, the 5,487m Vinh Thinh Bridge was built by engineers and workers from Viet Nam and the Republic of Korea, and is a symbol of the strategic partnership between the two governments.

The four-lane, US$137 million bridge is expected to facilitate travel between the capital city and surrounding northern provinces such as Vinh Phuc, Phu Tho, Yen Bai, Lao Cai and Tuyen Quang, as well as help reduce traffic congestion.

Speaking at the ceremony, PM Dung emphasised the importance of the bridge for the socio-economic development of not only Ha Noi and Vinh Phuc, but also the whole northwestern region.

He thanked the RoK government and people for their official development assistance (ODA) provided for the project, saying the RoK was now one of Viet Nam's leading investors, trade partners and ODA donors.

Assuring Viet Nam's close management and effective use of the RoK's ODA, PM Dung expressed his hope that the two sides would continue to deepen their strategic partnership in the future.

Viet Nam's Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai on the same day met with Choo Kyun Hoo, South Korea's Deputy Minister of Strategy and Finance, who also attended the inauguration of the Vinh Thinh Bridge.

Speaking at the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister said Viet Nam's Government always created favourable conditions for foreign enterprises, including Korean companies, to do business in Viet Nam.

For his part, Choo Kyun Hoo said Korea was committed to expanding co-operation with Viet Nam in order to foster the two countries' strategic partnership.


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