Piagio backs pediactrics partnership

April 24, 2013 | 15:00
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Italian scooter-maker Piaggio today announced the support of a new cooperation project between the National Hospital for Paediatrics in Hanoi and the Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital in Rome.

The new project is part of the “Vespa for Children” programme which was developed in response to the need to help children affected by complex urological pathologies-genital-urinary malformations and kidney disease – and who may require surgery, dialysis and kidney transplants.

“As a responsible organisation we believe we should contribute to the quality of life in the communities where we operate, and this is why we have set up the Vespa for Children project, as a way to support the younger generations who are the future and the hope of the world,” said Roberto Colaninno, chairman and chief executive officer of Piaggio Group.

The cooperation between Hanoi’s National Hospital for Paediatrics and the Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital (OPBG) was set up more than five years ago and has driven the development of technical and scientific expertise in a variety of medical fields, including cardiac surgery and urological surgery.

Under the cooperation agreement, a number of children suffering from serious disease have been transferred to the central unit of the OPBG in Rome for surgery and returned to their families in Vietnam in good health.

By By Linh Mai

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