Over 40% of young Vietnamese show alcohol addiction signs: research

April 09, 2015 | 09:53
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A research by a Vietnamese psychologist on the drinking behaviors of young Vietnamese has indicated that over 40 percent of youngsters display signs of alcohol addiction.

Over half of the respondents said they tell lies to be able to drink alcohol while 27.7 percent admitted to borrowing money for a drink.

More than one-third (37.9 percent) said they drink regularly and over 40 percent bear signs of alcohol addiction. Another four percent proved to be heavy drinkers.

The research had the participation of 470 young people from 18 to less than 28 years old, most of whom think of drinking as an indispensable choice of salaried people and as a way to bond with others as well as to improve their communication capability.

It was done by Huynh Van Son, a psychologist and deputy chairman of the Vietnam Psychological Association.

Vietnam is among the 25 countries with the highest annual increase rates of alcohol and beer consumption, the Health Ministry’s Institute of Health Strategy and Policy said in early 2014.

The number of people suffering from diseases related to alcohol and beer such as neurosis, delirium tremens, and liver problems has risen alongside the number of traffic accidents caused by drunk driving, the institute said.


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