Learning to think outside the square

April 13, 2011 | 14:56
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Global Integration Business Consultants (GIBC) and US-based UCLA Anderson School have joined forces to advances Vietnamese business leaders’ capabilities.

The two sides officially signed a memorandum of understanding to advance the leadership capability of Vietnamese business leaders through series of jointly organised executive training programs as well as business panels and seminars in both US and Vietnam.

The event marks a new stage of collaboration between the two parties after the initial success of the first advanced leadership executive training program in November 2010 in Los Angeles and Boston, including almost 30 business leaders and high-level executives attending the programme.

The alumni of the programme have also formed a “Leading learning club” with frequent activities such as thematic seminars, exchange workshops, networking dinners, continuous interactions with the school faculty.

Pham Phu Ngoc Trai, chairman of GIBC said: “One mission that is in common to both GIBC and leading business club organisations is to assist and accompany local Vietnamese businesses on their way to sustainable growth. With that in mind, we have collaborated with prestigious international educational institutions to help provide our business leaders with advanced business knowledge, to expand their mindset, and to enhance their existing leadership and management capability”.

Kelly Bean, assistant dean of the school's office of executive education, said that Asia presented an area of focus for UCLA Anderson school.

UCLA Anderson school is internationally-recognised education institute with over 4,000 faculty teaching in 118 degree and 200 graduate programmes.

In 2011, UCLA and GIBC will have two other programs: the advanced leadership programme in Los Angeles from July 23 to August 3 and another one in mid November.

By Minh Thien


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