Koreans top foreign tourist list in Vietnam

December 04, 2012 | 08:33
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The number of the Republic of Korean tourists to Vietnam in November showed the highest year-on-year increase of 31.5 pct, according to the General Statistics Office (GSO).

It was followed by Malaysia (up 25.6 pct), Thailand (up 24.6 pct), Japan (up 20.8 pct) and Taiwan (up 17 pct).

Some markets had low augmentation, including France (up 6.5 pct), the US (up 2.7 pct), China (up 0.8 pct) and Australia (0.2 pct).

In eleven months, Vietnam has received 6.5 million foreign arrivals, rising by 24.4 pct compared to October and 7.2 pct against the same period last year.

In November, the number of travelers to the nation for tourism and convalescence showed a year-on-year rise of 23.2 pct, while those went for work up 28.5%, visiting their relatives up 26.8 pct and other purposes up 17.1 pct.


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