Japan helps VN build thermal power plant

July 17, 2014 | 18:38
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The Viet Nam Electricity (EVN) and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) on July 17 signed a credit agreement for the Vinh Tan 4 thermal power plant project.
Photo: VGP/Toan Thang

The credit is worth US$338,205,423, of which US$202,923,253 is financed by the JBIC and US$135,282,170 by the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ. The period of grace for the credit lasts 17 years.

The Vinh Tan 4 thermal power plant project consisting of four thermal power factories with a combined capacity of 5,600 MW is the largest of its kind in the country. It is expected to provide electricity for provinces in the Central South and Southern regions.

The project, worth US$1.763 billion, is expected to add 7.2 billion kWh to the national grid every year.



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