Home Credit Vietnam receives "Trust and Use" award

November 27, 2013 | 14:38
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After five years operating in Vietnam, PPF Vietnam Finance Company under the Home Credit brand has been honoured with the Trust and Use award from the Consumption and Use Magazine.

Mr. Igor Prerovsky – Deputy CEO of Home Credit Vietnam received the award

The results were based on consumers’ votes on several criteria, including quality and cost effectiveness of services, and brand prestige.

The prize not only recognizes Home Credit’s strengths but also that of its staff, whom it is hoped will be motivated to continuously improve the quality of services to meet the needs of consumers.

PPF is the market leader of consume finance, boasting fast and convenient services.

By By Nguyen Trang

What the stars mean:

★ Poor ★ ★ Promising ★★★ Good ★★★★ Very good ★★★★★ Exceptional