Home Credit honoured as “Consumer’s Choice of Prestigious Product-Service in 2013”

December 14, 2013 | 17:00
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Today in Hanoi PPF Vietnam, the owner of Home Credit, was honourably awarded the title of the “Consumer’s Choice of the Prestigious Product – Service in 2013” for its installment plans for motorbikes, consumer goods and cash loans.


COO of Home Credit Bruce Butler received the award.

The poll was directed by the Vietnam Standards and Consumers Association (VINATAS) in order to commend and honour the high-quality and prestigious services and products. Readers and consumers, from Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho and other areas, participated in the said poll in last October and November. In the event, 120 domestic and foreign enterprises in the industries of banking, financing, technology, food and cosmetics were glorified.

COO of Home Credit Bruce Butler, said: “At present, Home Credit is serving over one million customers. We are clearly aware of our responsibilities to provide each customer with the highest benefits and satisfaction.”

Established in Vietnam since 2009, Home Credit has provided its consumer financing products with the outstanding features of simplicity and speed. Occupying 65 per cent of the Vietnam’s hire purchase sector for motorbikes, Home Credit is leading the said market. For over 5 years, Home Credit has partnered with nearly 5,000 retail stores in 61 provinces and cities. 

By By Nguyen Trang

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