Four habits of remarkably likeable bosses

April 23, 2014 | 09:38
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If they like you, really like you, you will actually be a better boss. Here’s how to make that happen.

- Be available

Some pretty amazing ideas come from front-line employees, but if the higher-ups aren’t approachable by employees most these ideas will never surface. Employees are more likely to come to their bosses with ideas and potential solutions when their bosses make it clear that they value their employees’ opinions and want to hear them. While not every idea is going to be a winner, it’s very much in your interest to hear people out. Showing employees that their opinions and ideas are important to the company is a wonderful way to keep your team energised and happy—and boost your likeability along the way.

- Be flexible

Life happens, so try to be flexible whenever you can. Decide what rules you will make exceptions for and avoid putting too much stress on the little things. Be understanding when things go wrong, and accept that people make mistakes. Offer second chances whenever possible. Make sure that the work gets done, but be flexible when it comes to personal matters, weather, or traffic.

- Be Positive

Just as negative energy can rub off on others, so can positive energy. While negative emotions on your part tend to create negative outcomes in both your people and your organisation, positive emotions help your employees open up to a universe of new options and alternatives. Be optimistic and genuine with the people working around you and they will be more likely to react in the same way, making the workplace a healthy and constructive place to be.

- Be dependeble

You need to believe that your employees will get the job done, and they need to be able to depend on you to support them in good times and bad. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, no matter how small. Employees must be able to trust you because their future is in your hands. Having a flaky boss will result in unhappy and disengaged employees who would rather be working somewhere else.

Source: ; ; ;;

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