Four banks licenced to offer public shares

December 01, 2010 | 13:30
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The State Securities Commission has licenced Vietcombank, TienPhong Bank, VP Bank and Western Bank to offer additional shares.

Vietcombank will issue more than 436 million shares to all its shareholders at a ratio of 100:33.

Vietcombank Securities is the underwriter.

The issue will increase Vietcombank's charter capital to VND17.59 trillion ($879.5 million) or by 33 per cent and is expected to help increase the bank's capital adequacy ratio (CAR) to 9-10 per cent from 8.45.

TienPhong Bank will offer 100 million shares (each VND10,000) to its shareholders.

The FPT Securities-brokered issue will help the bank raise its registered capital to the minimum legal requirement of VND3 trillion ($150 million) by year's end.

VP Bank will offer more than 154 million shares worth VND1.54 trillion ($77) to its shareholders at a ratio of 100:62,83.

The issue will increase the bank's charter capital to VND3.99 trillion ($199.5 million) from VND2.45 trillion ($122.5 million).

Its in-house securities (VP Bank Securities) will serve as underwriter.

Western Bank will offer 100 million shares.

Of these, 69.4 million shares will go to its shareholders; 600,000 to its employees and the remaining 30 million shares to strategic investors.

E-Viet Securities will act as broker.

Potential investors can register to buy from Friday, December 10.


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