Cathay Life is all smiles

July 06, 2011 | 16:00
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Cathay Life has completed its business target for first six months and overcome the average market growth rate.

Specially, over the first six months, Cathay Life’s initial premium reached VND60 billion ($2.8 million), equivalent to 160 per cent that of first months in 2010, compared to market average growth of 130 per cent.

Total revenue was VND130 billion($6.2 million), accounting for a 2.7 per cent market share.

“We completed the business target for the  first half year,” said Cathay Life Insurance chairman Liao Leo.

The company focused on C11 which is an insurance product combining with savings and brought benefits to Cathay Life.

“Our targeted objectives are new graduates working for enterprises. They are more interested in product combining both insurance and savings than insurance products only,” said Leo.

Currently, the company has 8,000 agents with six offices in Haiphong, Can Tho, Danang, Dong Nai, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

By Minh Thien

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