Boeing 747 cargo jet skids off runway at Canada's Halifax airport

November 08, 2018 | 15:47
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OTTAWA: A Boeing 747 cargo jet went off the runway at the Halifax airport in eastern Canada early Wednesday (Nov 7) morning, causing minor injuries to the four-member crew and forcing the temporary closure of the airfield.
boeing 747 cargo jet skids off runway at canadas halifax airport
Several crew members were injured when a Sky Lease cargo plane overshot the runway at the Halifax airport on Wednesday (Nov 7) morning. (Photo: Twitter/Haligonia/Sean Dewitt)

The Sky Lease cargo plane overshot the runway just after 5am (0900 GMT) as it made a scheduled landing on a flight from Chicago.

The plane was supposed to pick up a shipment and then fly to China.

The cause of the accident was not immediately known.

Images posted on social media showed the aircraft on its belly on the grass beyond the end of the runway, with a trail of debris behind it.

The crew members suffered minor injuries and were treated at a local hospital, the airport authority said in a statement.

The airport resumed operations three hours after the accident but dozens of flights were delayed or cancelled.

AFP/ Twitter

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