Bamboo Airways appoints new CEO

July 30, 2022 | 17:31
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On July 29, full service carrier Bamboo Airways JSC announced a resolution on electing Nguyen Manh Quan as its new CEO who took on the position on July 27.
Bamboo Airways appoints new CEO
Nguyen Manh Quan

Quan holds a PhD in economics from the University of Transport and Communications and graduated from the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Administration with an advanced degree in political theory.

The new CEO took on the position of deputy general director of Bamboo Airways in June 2020 and since September 2020, he has been the company’s executive deputy general director.

He has 30 years of experience working in large Vietnamese agencies and enterprises in the fields of aviation, services, and trade. These include the Ministry of Trade, Vietnam Airlines Corporation, Noi Bai Aviation Service JSC, Thien Minh Aviation JSC, and Vinpearl, among others.

Bamboo Airways appoints new CEO
On July 29, full service carrier Bamboo Airways JSC announced a resolution on electing Nguyen Manh Quan as its new CEO who took on the position on July 27

Also on July 29, Bamboo Airways announced its decision to stop holding the position of CEO from July 27 for Dang Tat Thang.

Since its establishment in 2017 – under the leadership of Dang Tat Thang – Bamboo Airways has championed great achievements in operations, business, and service provision.

Most eminent are securing the International Air Transport Association Operational Safety Audit certificate in its first year of operation, being the first private airline to operate a chain of First Lounges at key airports, being the first private airline to operate wide-body aircraft and regional jets, deploying many non-stop routes that have never been offered before, connecting emerging tourist destinations such as Con Dao, Rach Gia, and Dien Bien, having the highest rate of on-time flights in the industry for three consecutive years, and maintaining an absolute safety record.

These accomplishments have been contributing to the socioeconomic development of many destinations and maximising benefits for customers.

Bamboo Airways has been awarded a host of prestigious aviation awards by domestic and international agencies and media, including Airline with the best service in Vietnam, Asia’s leading regional airline, Favourite carrier of golfers in Vietnam, Most improved airline in Asia, and Best cabin crew in Asia, among others.

The transfer of Bamboo Airways’ CEO position from Thang to Quan is part of the airline’s senior management personnel consolidation to accelerate the process of business restructuring and to select strategic investors for FLC Group in general, and Bamboo Airways in particular.

This aims to create a solid foundation for Bamboo Airways to move more quickly and sustainably towards its long-term development goals.

By Ha Thuy

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