Amway Vietnam helps central children get better lives

June 04, 2013 | 14:30
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About 100 children having cleft lips and palate deformities in the central region will get free medical check-up and surgeries at Danang General Hospital, following an OSV mission coordinated by Amway Vietnam and Operation Smile.

The mission, first time being in the central, will open from June 3-7 with the purpose of helping disadvantaged children recover a perfect smile and return normal lives. Patients will have medical check-up at the first day and surgical operations later on.

OSV mission is part of Amway One by One Campaign for Children, with a vision of every child is an opportunity for a better live. The mission has been carried out since 2008, the official launch of Amway Vietnam.  Along with the financial sponsorship, Amway Vietnam’s staff and distributors also participate as volunteerers to assist non-medical works such as: registration of patients, collection of data and supervision of children; both pre-surgery and post surgery.

Amway Vietnam’s general director How Kam Chiong said: “2013 marks five-year partnership of Amway Vietnam and Operation Smile to execute the mission nationwide. We are happy together to bring better-life opportunities to over 1,000 unfortunate children years ago. And today, we are honored to be here, to help less fortunate children go in line with community.”

Amway Vietnam also celebrates the 5th year anniversary of One by One Campaign this year, positively impacting to over 4,000 unfortunate children. The company will continue partnership with Operation Smile, as well starting cooperations with Tuoi Tre Newspaper and Ministry of Labour, Invalid and Social Affairs, in helping more children get better lives in the future.

In Vietnam, one child in every 500 is born with a facial deformity. This means thousands of innocent children across the country are victims of disfiguring birth defects. These children do not do out in public, are afraid to go to school and have to struggle to speak, eat and drink.

A 45-minute operation, costing approximately VND5 million, will enable a child to eat a simple meal, with a renewed spirit. Unfortunately, two out of every three children are still turned away because of the lack of financial resources. Therefore, Operation Smile Vietnam relies on the generosity of businesses, individuals and volunteers to continue the journey of smile for the underprivileged children in Vietnam.

By By Hoang Anh

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