2015 is the year for APAC’s mobile world

December 24, 2014 | 15:39
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2015 will be the year of mobile phones and the Asia-Pacific regional, with 2.6 billion users this year and still growing (eMarketer, April 2014), is leading this trend. While feature phones are more prevalent than smartphones, their first Internet experience is a Facebook experience. Vietnam, being a part of APAC, also shares these characteristics.

Dan Neary - Vice president of Facebook in APAC

Mobile engagement is deepening

In the APAC regional, it is common to see people on the streets holding or using a mobile phone. People are heavily engaged with their devices, and Facebook are checked 14 times day on average. The data shows that mobile is a crucially important channel for business and brands to connect with people.

Asians can access their phones all the time

Despite this clear mobile opportunity, advertisers have not caught up. Today, mobile represents 20 per cent of consumer media time, but only 4 per cent of overall ad spending (IAB US, March 2014). Over the last year, Facebook has invested in programmes to help educate agencies and businesses on how they can leverage our platform to drive better returns. We have seen how brands are now able to run campaigns more efficiently and effectively on our platform and be able to reach targeted audience groups.

Growth in video, particularly on mobile devices, is exploding

From 2012 to 2014, video consumption on mobile and tablet has grown by 532 per cent (eMarketer, July 2014). Two-thirds of video views on Facebook are happening on mobile. Since June this year, there has been an average of more than one billion views on Facebook every day and 76 per cent of people who watch video online say Facebook is their top source for video discovery.

This fundamental shift in the way people consume video content means there is a greater opportunity than ever for marketers to leverage a rich storytelling format in order to target people across devices and deepen engagement with them. With auto-play just been enabled on mobile platform recently, video-ads’ prospect is given a boost in reachability.

Facebook’s video views on mobiles constantly increasing

Precise ads’ measurement functionality is essential

For Facebook, measurement effectiveness is an important priority, and the focus for 2015 is on advertisers getting real business results and measurement metrics on their campaigns on Facebook. In addition to being where people spend their time, Facebook is the world’s largest network of real people. Facebook knows what individual people and their friends like on Facebook across multiple devices. This enables us to show relevant ads, resulting in actual business results for marketers.

This year, we’ve introduced cross-device reporting for Facebook ads, enabling advertisers to see for the first time how people are moving between devices before they convert. We already offer targeting, delivery and conversion measurement across devices, so with the new cross-device report, advertisers are now able to view privacy-safe reports about the devices on which people see ads and the devices on which conversions subsequently occur.

(*) Vice president of Facebook in APAC

By Dan Neary (*)

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