First foreign banker to receive certificate of merit

May 21, 2011 | 13:00
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HSBC Bank Vietnam’s chief has received a State Bank certificate of merit. Thomas Tobin is the first foreign banker to receive this award from Vietnam’s national banking authority.

Since Tobin becoming CEO of HSBC in Vietnam in 2007, his leadership and insightful management has ensured HSBC to maintain its position as the leading foreign bank in Vietnam, and become the first bank to locally incorporate in January 2009.

Despite the financial turmoil and obstacles posed by the economic downturn over the last few years, HSBC has operated with strong capital and liquidity. The bank has made a strong contribution to the development of Vietnam’s financial industry by increasing its stake in the banking technical support agreement.

HSBC’s profit before tax increased by 148 per cent in four years and the bank has expanded both strategically and organically from two branches to 16 outlets in two years. HSBC’s customer base in Vietnam has increased by 200 per cent and the bank’s staff has increased four-fold, from 400 to 1,600.

By My Kieu

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