UOB Vietnam launches course for small business bankers

October 27, 2017 | 13:36
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United Overseas Bank partnered up with Vietnam’s Foreign Trade University to launch the first tertiary education programme in Vietnam for small business bankers.
The signing ceremony between UOB Vietnam and Foreign Trade University

The UOB-FTU Banker’s Executive Certificate Programme combines classroom-based study in the areas of credit and risk management, trade financing, and regional regulatory frameworks with practical skills training such as best practices on customer onboarding.

This programme will impart specialist skills and knowledge that are necessary for bankers to address the needs of Vietnam’s small businesses.

Upon completion of the programme, UOB bankers will be better equipped to help SMEs in Vietnam with their business needs and to overcome the challenges they may face. The bank expects to train 30 small business bankers in Vietnam by the end of this year.

Harry Loh, Vietnam country manager at UOB’s Ho Chi Minh City branch, said that UOB is committed to ensuring its bankers have the in-depth knowledge and skills required to support the business growth ambitions of customers.

“We expect that more small businesses in Vietnam will pursue business opportunities within the region as they tap into benefits arising from the ASEAN Economic Community. As such, their needs will have to be supported by bankers who possess specialist skills and who understand what it takes to succeed in doing business across borders. This is why the UOB-FTU programme is timely, important and progressive,” said Loh.

Small businesses form the backbone of the Vietnamese economy, accounting for 97 per cent of the country’s businesses. These businesses are among the most optimistic about their growth prospects within the Asia-Pacific, as four in five have sought external financing in 2016 to help take advantage of business opportunities.

In September 2017, UOB became the first Singaporean bank to receive a foreign-owned subsidiary bank licence from the State Bank of Vietnam.

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By By Nam Phuong

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