Unilever recognised as one of most sustainable businesses in Vietnam

December 13, 2021 | 13:59
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Unilever Vietnam has been honoured with two awards, the Top 10 Sustainable Businesses in Vietnam and Top 5 Outstanding Businesses committed to gender equality at the workplace at CSI Awards by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The company also received the CSR Recognition Award from the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham).

Committed to the purpose of "Making sustainable living commonplace" throughout more than 25 years of operation in Vietnam, Unilever has been constantly making efforts to build and implement sustainable development programmes under the Unilever Compass strategy for the sake of the planet’s health, people’s health and well-being, and a fairer and more inclusive society.

Thanks to those efforts, Unilever Vietnam was recognised as one of the Top 10 Sustainable Businesses in Vietnam at CSI Program 2021 hosted by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

This is the sixth consecutive year that the business has achieved this recognition, which has confirmed the persistent efforts and commitment of a foreign-invested enterprise for the long-term development of the economy, society, and environment in Vietnam.

Unilever recognised as one of most sustainable businesses in Vietnam
Unilever Vietnam has been among the top 10 sustainable businesses for six years now

The Unilever Compass sustainable development programme drives the planet’s health, people’s health and welbeing, as well as a fairer, more inclusive society.

Unilever Vietnam pays much attention to environmental protection, particularly its plastic waste management strategy through plastic waste collection and sustainable packaging.

Unilever Vietnam has successfully built two systems of waste segregation and plastic waste collection in Hanoi with thousands of tonnes of waste collected, and hundreds of thousands of people approached through communications and education activities. Besides, Unilever’s programme "The Plastic Reborn" helps drive Circular Economy in Plastic Waste Management through waste segregation at source, plastic waste collection and recycling, as well as contribute to sustainability commitments to improving people’s life quality.

Moreover, holding the commitment of "Less Plastic, Better Plastic, No Plastic", Unilever Vietnam has achieved 55 per cent virgin plastic reduction, 62 per cent recyclability, and 100 per cent bottles applied with Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) Plastics.

Unilever recognised as one of most sustainable businesses in Vietnam
Plastic waste processing is one of Unilever Vietnam's commitments to environmental protection and enhancing people’s lives

The business also focuses on sustainable manufacturing with 100% renewable energy, water consumption in production reduction, no hazardous waste to landfill and carbon neutrality. Regenerating nature through tree planting is paid much attention to, heading to the target of 1 million trees to be planted by 2025, contributing to the Government's national target of planting 1 billion trees.

In the framework of this year’s CSI Program, Unilever Vietnam was also honoured in the Top 5 Outstanding Businesses with a commitment to gender equality at the workplace for the company’s efforts towards establishing and driving equality, fostering an inclusive culture, and eradicating all prejudices. The company has been promoting gender equality within the organisation, resulting in an equal number of women and men holding managerial and supervisory positions at Unilever Vietnam. Female leaders have undergone training and completed the programme for the development of management skills.

Unilever recognised as one of most sustainable businesses in Vietnam
Unilever is also among the top 5 businesses committed to gender equality at the workplace

“As an enterprise present in Vietnam for over 25 years, Unilever believes that in addition to maintaining and recovering production and business, contributing to the government's dual goals of pandemic prevention and economic growth in the 'new normal' stage, sustainable development activities need to be more focused as sustainable development and business development are inseparable. They go hand in hand with the aim of long-term and comprehensive development for the economy, society, and environment. Besides, consumers and society are more interested in sustainable development activities than ever, thereby becoming more demanding of brands. This is also a motivation for us to make more efforts in this journey,” Do Thai Vuong, vice president of Sustainable Business and Communications, Unilever Vietnam.

Accompanying Vietnam's fight against COVID-19

Previously, Unilever Vietnam won AmCham’s 2021 CSR Recognition Award for its efforts and activities in creating long-term economic and social values in Vietnam, especially the action and commitment to accompany and assist Vietnam and the Vietnamese people to overcome COVID-19.

Unilever recognised as one of most sustainable businesses in Vietnam
Unilever receiving AmCham’s CSR Recognition Awards 2021

Improving people's health and hygiene condition is among the social commitments that Unilever has been pursuing for more than 25 years in Vietnam.

The Stay Strong Vietnam campaign initiated by Unilever Vietnam, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, is a communications campaign to educate people on personal hygiene and COVID-19 prevention methods, obtaining nearly 750 million reaches. In addition, the campaign also brings immediate support to 2.6 million people through 2.5 million products.

Unilever recognised as one of most sustainable businesses in Vietnam
The Stay Strong Vietnam campaign accompanies people nationwide in COVID-19 prevention and fighting

“Even in this challenging time of uncertainty and anxiety, Unilever Vietnam stepped up their CSR efforts to helped address society’s needs during the COVID-19 crisis. AmCham congratulates Unilever Vietnam on their CSR Recognition Award. Their commitment to transparency, good governance, and sustainable business practices provides a model for others to follow in Vietnam and helps make the business and social environment better for all of us,” said Adam Sitkoff, executive director of AmCham in Hanoi.

By Mai Dang

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