The Asset picks Citi as Vietnam’s Best Bank

January 28, 2013 | 16:42
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The Asset Magazine has named Citi Vietnam as the Best Bank and the Best Debt House in Vietnam 2012.

“We’re extremely proud to have won these prestigious awards for the second time from The Asset and see this as recognition of our growth, innovative spirit and relentless commitments to our clients in Vietnam,” said Brett Krause, managing director of Citi Vietnam.

“We’ll continue to leverage our capabilities and experience to further develop unparalleled products and services for our clients,” he added.

Citi Vietnam achieved  the awards for the first time in 2007.
In the category of Best Bank at a country level, Citi won in eight out of the American financial and banking group’s Asia markets, namely China,  Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, South Korea and Vietnam.

By Tuong Thuy

What the stars mean:

★ Poor ★ ★ Promising ★★★ Good ★★★★ Very good ★★★★★ Exceptional