TH Group enters the halal market

December 27, 2021 | 14:50
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With its long-term vision for the potential halal market, TH Group has been exploiting all possible opportunities to market relevant products.

At present, the halal sector is offering great opportunities for all enterprises in Vietnam. In Southeast Asia, North Asia and the South Pacific are home to big halal exports as their Muslim population numbers 860 million, accounting for 66 per cent of the total Muslim people across the world. Over the past years, halal products have been used not only by Muslims but also non-Muslim consumers.

TH Group enters the halal market
TH Group is producing and exporting halal products

At a recent conference on halal, Samina Naz, Bangladeshi Ambassador to Vietnam, said that if Vietnam accounts for only 1 per cent of the market share, the country can reap great profits.

However, it is said that enterprises are facing difficulties in tapping into this market.

“We are only beginning to tap into this market. Each year, only about 50 Vietnamese companies are granted a halal certificate, and currently, only 20 products are exported to halal markets, despite the great potential,” said Nguyen Quoc Dung, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

One of the Vietnamese companies exporting halal products is TH Group. Hoang Thanh Thuy, director of international business under the group, said that since 2014, TH Group has obtained a halal certificate in addition to many other high-profile certificates such as ISO, FSSC, and BRC.

Recognising the big future of the halal sector in the region and the wider world, TH Group began making preparations for access to the sector.

"We have worked with a prestigious intermediary unit to obtain the halal certificate with a prolonged and complicated process. All criteria are not only about product materials but also about all stages from planting, production, processing, packaging, labelling, preservation, and transportation,” Thuy said. “Though obtaining the certificate, we have to assess and appraise our compliance on a yearly basis.”

However, the strict requirements of the halal certificate are also in line with those applied by TH Group in all of its products. With a vision and aspiration of bringing Vietnamese fresh milk and other high-quality farm produce to the global market, TH Group has made big investments in the application of high technology in its process of raising dairy cows, processing milk products, and others.

According to Thuy, in 2021 when the whole world has been hit by the health crisis, TH Group has been establishing good relationships with partners in halal markets and organising various activities. For example, the group has participated in the international exhibition Halal Malaysia – MIHAS in September-December 2021 with an online booth. In August 2021, TH Group was one of nearly 40 businesses in Vietnam that were selected to partake in the “Vietnam National Brands Week 2021 – Hybrid Expo on Halal and Processed Food Products and Halal” organised in Singapore.

Thuy, however, also admitted that despite immense opportunities in halal exports, domestic enterprises like TH Group have yet to benefit from any support from the state in terms of trade promotion and taxes.

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