CPTPP milestone marks nation’s economic integration

CPTPP milestone marks nation’s economic integration

Vietnam is celebrating the fifth anniversary of its participation in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. Prof. Dr. Andreas Stoffers from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Hanoi reflects on the multifaceted impact of this landmark agreement on the nation’s economic landscape.
End of the Merkel era ushers in new journey for German leaders

End of the Merkel era ushers in new journey for German leaders

The Social Democratic Party (SPD) is the strongest force in the newly-elected Bundestag with 25.7 per cent. The party improved its results by 5.2 per cent compared to four years ago.
Prudent policy the key for recovery

Prudent policy the key for recovery

Maintaining effective anti-pandemic actions and boosting growth will be an arduous task as this year witnesses a downturn of production capacity and purchasing power.
Central bank bewildered by impossible credit goal triad

Central bank bewildered by impossible credit goal triad 3

The State Bank of Vietnam lowered its interest rates last week, joining the global easing bandwagon in a bid to cushion the economic fallout stemming from the pandemic.