Total power capacity by 2030

Total power capacity by 2030

In Decision No 262/QD-TTg dated April 1, 2024, the Prime Minister approved the implementation plan for the National Power Development Master Plan in the 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2050.
MoIT proposes scheme to boost renewable energy procurement

MoIT proposes scheme to boost renewable energy procurement

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has put forward a proposal that would allow manufacturers to procure electricity from renewable energy plants.
Government commits to summer power availability

Government commits to summer power availability

New initiatives are being taken to help Vietnam ensure sufficient power, further strengthening investors’ trust in Vietnam.
Price movements likely to be affected by inflation landscape

Price movements likely to be affected by inflation landscape

Factors such as the upcoming rise in power tariffs and salaries are expected to pressurise the government’s efforts in bringing inflation under control this year.
Vietnam explores renewable energy export strategy

Vietnam explores renewable energy export strategy

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is set to begin developing a framework to explore wind and solar energy.
Thai Binh unveils $2 billion LNG power plant project in Japanese deal

Thai Binh unveils $2 billion LNG power plant project in Japanese deal

The deal is between power plant project is a collaboration between Tokyo Gas Co., Kyuden Corporation, and Truong Thanh Group.
Power purchase agreements just the ticket for Vietnam

Power purchase agreements just the ticket for Vietnam

New rules and the removal of various disadvantages in the country’s current power purchase agreement model could help international finance find its way into Vietnam’s energy transition process.
Offshore power projects lure investors

Offshore power projects lure investors

Offshore power projects in Vietnam are attracting eager new investments.
EVN balances social obligations with economic realities

EVN balances social obligations with economic realities

Deputy general director of EVN discussed the group's various objectives in the face of continuing losses at a recent VIR seminar.
Poor progress made in Vietnam's power sector

Poor progress made in Vietnam's power sector

Progress has yet to meet expectations in the country's power sector.
Weight still placed on imported LNG

Weight still placed on imported LNG

Vietnam’s growing dependence on imported liquefied natural gas could cause a hike in power production costs.
Addressing power shortages a prerequisite to economic stability

Addressing power shortages a prerequisite to economic stability

The international community is calling for the country to ensure sufficient and stable power for production, investment, and maintaining its economic stability.
EVN proposes dynamic electricity pricing scheme

EVN proposes dynamic electricity pricing scheme

EVN has put forth a new electricity pricing strategy to the MoIT, emphasising quarterly price adjustments as a key feature.
Vietnam faces up to 2,000MW power shortfall

Vietnam faces up to 2,000MW power shortfall

Vietnam anticipates an energy shortfall of up to 2,000MW between 2024 and 2025, as the soaring electricity demand outpaces additions to capacity.
Vietnam's energy sector sparks interest from Chinese corporations

Vietnam's energy sector sparks interest from Chinese corporations

The energy sector in Vietnam has piqued the interest of Chinese corporations, paving the way for potential investments in renewable energy projects.
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