Hanoi keeps hastening investment attraction, disbursement

Hanoi keeps hastening investment attraction, disbursement

Hanoi recorded encouraging results in investment attraction and disbursement during the first half of 2024, and is poised to push ahead with this work in the coming time.
Disbursement delay deemed unacceptable

Disbursement delay deemed unacceptable

Public investment continues to suffer from poor disbursement, with names of culpable units being highlighted by the government.
Disbursement of public funds in 2023 meets 93.12 per cent of target

Disbursement of public funds in 2023 meets 93.12 per cent of target

More than 662.59 trillion VND (27.14 billion USD) of public capital allocated for 2023 was disbursed as of January 31, fulfilling 93.12 per cent of the Prime Minister’s assigned plan, according to the Ministry of Finance.
Disbursement playing part in growth goals

Disbursement playing part in growth goals

Due to solid disbursement in the first seven months of the year, public investment projects are expected to be the driving force of the economy in the remainder of the year as part of efforts to reach annual growth targets.
Positive developments in the real estate market

Positive developments in the real estate market

The SBV has received 24 social housing initiative applications from six provinces for a $5 billion loan package.
Disbursement of assistance to be bolstered for enterprises

Disbursement of assistance to be bolstered for enterprises

The country’s hallmark socioeconomic recovery and development initiative must be accelerated as implementation continues to be too slow, the government has acknowledged.
Solutions outlined to speed up public spending

Solutions outlined to speed up public spending

Completing the disbursement plan for public spending is not easy due to adverse factors in construction.
Orders made to push disbursement of public funds

Orders made to push disbursement of public funds

To prevent low economic growth next year and slow attraction of private investment, the government has continued ordering ministries and localities to intensify public investment.
Disbursement figures reflect bearish economic projections

Disbursement figures reflect bearish economic projections

The socioeconomic situations over the world, along with the efforts of Vietnam to build a competitive and transparent business climate, have contributed to enabling foreign direct investment (FDI) disbursement to its highest peak ever.
Localities innovating to boost public funding disbursement

Localities innovating to boost public funding disbursement

The decentralisation of government spending will contribute to speeding up public investment disbursement, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
Disbursement kick to offer safety net for businesses

Disbursement kick to offer safety net for businesses

Implementation of the national fiscal and monetary initiative has seen a quicker step forward, making it more favourable for enterprises and people to relieve their difficulties.
FDI disbursement in eight months posts record high

FDI disbursement in eight months posts record high

Foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam are recovering well and focusing on production and business expansion, with disbursement reaching a record high in the first eight months of 2022, according to director of the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s Foreign Investment Agency (FIA) Do Nhat Hoang.
Rising state budget revenues point to business confidence

Rising state budget revenues point to business confidence

Amid a state budget surplus, a positive trade landscape, and a climb in disbursement and addition of foreign direct investment so far this year, the Vietnamese economy is expected to record a current account surplus for 2022.
Direction for disbursement tightened after mixed results

Direction for disbursement tightened after mixed results

Despite the challenges surrounding various projects, public investment disbursement has continued to be prioritised as a key task for the country to boost economic growth.
Institutional improvements to set stage for disbursement

Institutional improvements to set stage for disbursement

Disbursement of public investment since early this year remains slow. Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung explained to VIR’s Nguyen Huong the reasons behind this situation, and proposed solutions to speed up progress.
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