July 15, 2024 | 12:17
The condotel industry in Vietnam has experienced significant transformations over the past decade.
May 14, 2024 | 17:09
Vietnam’s condotel market is facing liquidity issues, with sales hitting the lowest level in six years in the first quarter of 2024.
May 14, 2024 | 14:52
Although the conversion of some condotels to apartments has been approved in Vietnam, worries have been outlined over population density knock-on effects which may create pressure on urban infrastructure.
July 26, 2023 | 15:00
More than 3,700 tourist apartments, which are part of the Times Square Danang complex, were converted into apartments by Danang People’s Committee in May, and are now causing concern about infrastructure overload both there and at future conversions.
July 26, 2023 | 10:29
The real estate market for resort villas and condos is showing signs of short-term recovery from a difficult period due to low liquidity.
May 09, 2023 | 10:22
Although a new decree will allow the issuing of ownership certificates to condotels, experts say the regulations will still be inadequate and need to be supplemented in the near future to create a good enough legal corridor for the thousands of condotels in the market.
November 03, 2022 | 12:54
Although a draft revised Law on Land proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment will not include condotels in its remit, experts still suggest the issue needs to be addressed to ensure clarity on differences in terms of business and regular accommodation.
May 19, 2022 | 17:17
The absence of legislation and clarity regarding condotel ownership has been a significant obstacle for property developers and the hospitality sector. In the last 7-10 years, there was a significant amount of investment in condotel products, mainly in resort areas alongside villas and hotels. These multi-segment developments have often been funded by the presale of villas and condotel units.
September 09, 2020 | 08:00
Recent decisions to impose stricter management on condotels and officetels are pushing developers and investors into a miserable situation, as the whole real estate market reels from the pandemic impacts.
August 03, 2020 | 10:00
The condotel market has faced a gloomy period due to low absorption rate while inventory has been on the rise, experts said.
July 20, 2020 | 08:32
The Ministry of Public Security has proposed not granting ownership certificates to allow condotels, tourist villas and officetels to be turned into residential projects.
March 02, 2020 | 09:41
Detailed regulations are needed to promote a healthy condotel market, which has been going off-track for years due to an unclear legal framework, experts have said.
February 28, 2020 | 11:22
Danang People's Court has brought complaints and denunciations of Empire Group and its Cocobay Danang to the attention of Danang Public Security Department.
February 26, 2020 | 14:33
The HoREA has lauded the MoNRE in bringing clarity to condotel and tourist villa regulations but pointed out that certain property types have been left out.
February 25, 2020 | 14:00
With new guidance on granting ownership being issued in Vietnam, condotel investors are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel after more than two years of uncertainty, with a strengthened market expected to appease both investors and buyers.