Singapore interested in Vinh Phuc

July 20, 2014 | 09:35
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SINGAPORE - Kinder World Education Group will conduct three investment projects in northern Vinh Phuc Province, said its chairman, Ricky Tan, at an investment meeting held in Singapore yesterday.

Tan said Kinder World had so far invested US$40 million in 15 projects throughout Viet Nam and claimed to be Singapore's largest investor in the education sector.

In the next decade, the group will spend $100 million on three projects in the province, namely the Adventure and Eco-Tourism Education, the Singapore-Vietnam International School and the Singapore Education Metropolis.

"We chose Vinh Phuc as our next destination because of its strategic location, infrastructure and policy relating to foreign investment, especially the policy on land clearance and assignment," said Tan.

Another Singapore-based company wishing to invest in the province is ReEx Capital Asia, which specialises in clean energy.


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