heineken closes breweries in quang nam due to shrinking demand

HEINEKEN closes breweries in Quang Nam due to shrinking demand

HEINEKEN is closing its Quang Nam brewery in the central region due to the shrinking demand and changing consumption behaviours in Vietnam.
carlsberg vietnams 30 year journey of multi aspect investments in central vietnam

Carlsberg Vietnam’s 30-year journey of multi-aspect investments in Central Vietnam

At Carlsberg, delivering high-quality products and accomplishing social responsibilities are the main priorities. In the three decades of its presence in the Vietnamese beer market, Carlsberg has initiated investments to facilitate the development of Vietnam’s beer industry, as well as to accompany local communities in preserving traditional and cultural values.
heineken and sabeco jousting over beer market dominance

HEINEKEN and Sabeco jousting over beer market dominance

Vietnam is one of the largest and fastest-growing beer markets in the world and is ruled by two giants – HEINEKEN and Sabeco – in a titanic tug-of-war over market share in the premium beer and super premium beer segments.
vietnams beer market expects big changes in 2020

Vietnam’s beer market expects big changes in 2020

Vietnam’s beer market is forecast to see big opportunities this year, as the country has always been held great potential for domestic and foreign beer enterprises. Fierce competition is incoming, as more foreign brands are looking to tap the market.
thaibev struggling to offload sabeco

ThaiBev struggling to offload Sabeco

Budweiser APAC has eyes on Sabeco, while ThaiBev intends to quit one of the biggest beer markets of the region.
as tet approaches beer market already fizzing

As Tet approaches, beer market already fizzing

With two months to go for the 2019 Lunar New Year (Tet), the beer market is becoming active with supermarkets and retailers starting to make preparations for breweries sales campaigns.
vietnamese beer market foreign giants in control

Vietnamese beer market: foreign giants in control

The Vietnamese beer market is becoming a game for great foreigners, with many Vietnamese brands wiped out or struggling to stay afloat.
sabeco wants to remove the fol

Sabeco wants to remove the FOL

If the proposal of Saigon Beer, Alcohol and Beverage Corporation (Sabeco) to remove the foreign owned limit (FOL) is approved, it will open the doors for ThaiBev and other foreign investors to increase their share of the Vietnamese beer market.
amstel officially enters vietnamese beer market

Amstel officially enters Vietnamese beer market

On October 18, the beer market in Vietnam witnessed the official arrival of a premium European beer brand—Amstel. Amstel is the latest addition to Heineken Vietnam’s product portfolio, which includes Heineken and Tiger, the beer brands of choice for many Vietnamese consumers over 27 years.
vietnams beer market holds huge potential competition

Vietnam’s beer market holds huge potential, competition

Vietnam is the holy grail for global beer companies, with the market continuing to grow while many others have flatlined, but the competition is fierce.
heavy competition behind the allure vietnams beer market

Heavy competition behind the allure: Vietnam’s beer market

The Vietnamese beer market is considered a promised land for both foreign and local brewers due to the massive consumption. However, in reality, it is a playground with strict competition.   
domestic brewers expand operations to fight back foreign competitors

Domestic brewers expand operations to fight back foreign competitors

As foreign brewers remain firm in their ambitions to expand in the local beer market, domestic enterprises are also implementing plans to gain market share.
carlsberg affirms vietnam as key market

Carlsberg affirms Vietnam as key market

Carlsberg Group, one of the leading brewery groups in the world, will continue to target Vietnam as one of its key markets in Asia to cash in on the lucrative local beer market.
foreign brewers tap into robust domestic market

Foreign brewers tap into robust domestic market

Foreign breweries’ thirst for the Vietnamese beer market has by no means been quenched.
sapporo expands target market in vietnam

Sapporo expands target market in Vietnam

Japanese brewer Sapporo Holdings is launching a cheaper beer brand later this month, marking its expansion from the high-end segment of the Vietnamese beer market.