16 dog food brands linked to canine heart disease fda

16 dog food brands linked to canine heart disease: FDA

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has named 16 dog food brands linked to reports of canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), also known as canine heart disease, in the last five years.
health ministry urges preventive methods against hand foot mouth disease

Health Ministry urges preventive methods against hand-foot-mouth disease

The Ministry of Health has instructed people’s committees in provinces and cities throughout the country to ensure that preventive methods against hand-foot-mouth disease are being carried out as the number of incidences has increased.
hand foot and mouth disease on the rise amid dengue fever outbreaks

Hand, foot and mouth disease on the rise amid dengue fever outbreaks

Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long warned of the rising number of hand, foot and mouth disease patients nationwide, meanwhile, the dengue fever epidemic has continued ravaging many localities.
japan promises 661000 support for heart disease treatment in vietnam

Japan promises $661,000 support for heart disease treatment in Vietnam

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has pledged support worth JPY80 million (US$661,000) for a project to help improve treatment for heart diseases among children in Vietnam.
hand foot and mouth disease spirals in ho chi minh city

Hand, foot and mouth disease spirals in Ho Chi Minh City

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), a contagious viral illness, is surging in Ho Chi Minh City, with the number of hospitalized patients in a recent week being over 30 percent higher than the average of the four preceding weeks, according to health authorities.
malaysia blocks live cattle imports from australia after skin disease scare

Malaysia blocks live cattle imports from Australia after skin disease scare

Malaysia has temporarily suspended live cattle and buffalo imports from Australia, the Australian government said, days after Indonesia paused some imports after lumpy skin disease (LSD) was detected in a small number of cattle after arrival.
vn stocks struggle to find growth momentum amid disease expected lower earnings

VN stocks struggle to find growth momentum amid disease, expected lower earnings

Vietnamese shares are likely to struggle this week amid expectations of lower-than-expected first-quarter earnings reports and consistent coronavirus concerns.
bayer offers vietnamese farmers a revolutionary solution against bacterial leaf blight disease

Bayer offers Vietnamese farmers a revolutionary solution against Bacterial Leaf Blight disease

Bayer Vietnam recently launched its revolutionary hybrid rice seed variety - TEJ Vang, a new hybrid rice variety and the first of its kind to be made available in Vietnam.
connecting rare traits into pathways for rare disease patients

Connecting rare traits into pathways for rare disease patients

Diagnosing, treating and caring for patients with rare diseases is a big challenge no matter where they are in the world, so various stakeholders have teamed up to support them.