abbott blesses health market

Abbott blesses health market

Vietnam’s aging population and wider issues of malnutrition have indicated a greater need for nutritional supplements.
visit offers new era for us ties

Visit offers new era for US ties

Vietnam and the United States have upgraded their relationship to a comprehensive partnership.
korean firms predict bright industrial future for vietnam

Korean firms predict bright industrial future for Vietnam

Vietnam has tightened diplomatic and economic ties with South Korea and Myanmar.
exports to the eu get a much needed shot in the arm

Exports to the EU get a much needed shot in the arm

The European Union last week announced made-in-Vietnam products imported into the EU would continue enjoying low tariffs.
na pushes for dramatic pro growth policies

NA pushes for dramatic pro growth policies

The National Assembly is demanding more policies to spur growth while maintaining the pursuit of stabilising the macro-economy.
imexpharm prevails against accusations

Imexpharm prevails against accusations

Locally-owned pharmaceutical maker Imexpharm Corporation has successfully defended itself after the Government Inspectorate accused it of violating medicine material trading regulations - but the case still damaged its reputation, company officers say.
big export import turnover drop mirrors production woes

Big export-import turnover drop mirrors production woes

Big export-import turnover drop mirrors production woes By Thanh Dat A sharp decline in April’s export and import turnover causing a sudden trade deficit reflects bigger difficulties in local production.
bad medicine for six pharma firms

Bad medicine for six pharma firms

Six pharmaceutical firms in Vietnam have violated regulations on medicine material trading, a government investigation has revealed.
talks on fta with eu hit snags

Talks on FTA with EU hit snags

A series of challenges are facing Vietnam during the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement’s third negotiation round.
recovery gathering momentum

Recovery gathering momentum

The local production recovery will continue to be nourished by the Vietnamese government.
soes to bravely spend big

SOEs to bravely spend big

Many big state-owned enterprises are planning to invest much more than they did last year despite the gloomy economy.
donors back local economy

Donors back local economy

Raising a toast to the Year of the Snake as “a time of rebirth,” the Ministry of Planning and Investment and international donors expressed confidence last week that Vietnam would achieve progress in the country’s economic restructuring and renewal.
poverty reduction on the back foot

Poverty reduction on the back foot

Macro instability and external shocks have created new challenges to Vietnam’s poverty reduction achievements.
turning on diplomatic charm

Turning on diplomatic charm

Vietnam has forged a strategic partnership with Italy and deepened its strategic partnership with the United Kingdom.
soes to take more of a back seat

SOEs to take more of a back seat

After two decades of politically mandated leadership of Vietnam’s economy, state-owned enterprises figure to play a reduced role under the new draft amendment of the 1992 Constitution that emphasises competition under the rule of law.