banks race to implement digital transformation ecosystem

Banks race to implement digital transformation ecosystem

The local banking sector, currently undergoing drastic restructuring, will have more opportunities to improve its financial capacity as well as learn modern business models and management from UK partners after the UK-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (UKEVFTA) takes effect, according to banking insiders.
insiders call for revision to draft on e transactions

Insiders call for revision to draft on e-transactions

Lawmakers are gathering comments on a draft amending the Law on E-Transactions, and insiders comment that the draft needs revisions to be more practical.
mcredit spreads wings leveraging group synergy with parent banks

Mcredit spreads wings leveraging group synergy with parent banks

Mcredit has swiftly managed to take advantage of its parent groups and their business ecosystems to develop and grow.
real estate market would be better if credit growth targets rise experts

Real estate market would be better if credit growth targets rise: experts

The State Bank of Vietnam's decision to raise credit growth targets for banks is expected to create favourable conditions for businesses to lend capital, including real estate firms, according to experts.
banks speed up disbursement of vnd40 trillion interest subsidy package

Banks speed up disbursement of VND40 trillion interest subsidy package

Through credit packages with preferential interest rates, and products and services customised to each customer group’s needs, banks focus on helping enterprises access capital to restore production and business.
land assets failing to shift despite cuts

Land assets failing to shift despite cuts

The lack of related legal conditions, unclear information, and inappropriate prices are some of the problems that are rendering real estate units offered by banks unattractive to buyers.
extensions ease credit access for businesses

Extensions ease credit access for businesses

A round of fresh credit extensions for commercial banks is expected to help businesses obtain easier access to capital as they continue their post-pandemic recovery.
sbv adjusts credit growth targets for banks

SBV adjusts credit growth targets for banks

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has announced adjustments to credit growth targets for banks in 2022.
moodys upgrades ratings of 12 vietnamese banks

Moody’s upgrades ratings of 12 Vietnamese banks

Moody's Investors Service has raised ratings of 12 Vietnamese banks following its upgrade of Vietnam's sovereign rating to Ba2 from Ba3.
sbv adjusts credit growth targets for banks

SBV adjusts credit growth targets for banks

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has announced adjustments to credit growth targets for banks in 2022.
reference exchange rate down 18 vnd

Reference exchange rate down 18 VND

The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate for the US dollar at 23,263 VND/USD on September 9, down 18 VND from the previous day.
credit tweak opens door for economic rejuvenation

Credit tweak opens door for economic rejuvenation

Credit institutions with ample financial buffers, sound risk management, and participation in weak banks’ restructuring journey would gain an upper hand in terms of higher-than-average loan ceilings.
banks to soon complete basel iii international standards

Banks to soon complete Basel III international standards

Though there are currently no regulations that require the application of Basel III international banking standards, some banks have pioneered the implementation of the norms and are expected to complete the work soon.
central bank forecast to expand credit growth to 16 per cent

Central bank forecast to expand credit growth to 16 per cent

The State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV) might have to extend credit growth for the whole year 2022 to 16 per cent and grant more credit quotas to commercial banks in the near future as the pressure to loosen the credit room is strong, analysts forecast.
lenders juggle with tax info obligations

Lenders juggle with tax info obligations

Cybercriminals and the exposure of account information remain significant barriers for all stakeholders, with commercial banks now required to identify and collect holding information of customers to relevant authorities in a bid to fulfil tax obligations.