Touring in Malaysia with Vietcombank Debit Card

Following the cooperation with MasterCard Intl and the Binh Hanh Dan Co. Ltd. Vietcombank launched the program "Touring in Malaysia with Vietcombank MasterCard International Debit Card" on July 15 and will finish it on August 15, 2010.
market waits with baited breath for ipo

Market waits with baited breath for IPO

Vietcombank’s initial public offering (IPO) is now in the spotlight three weeks after the bank announced its plan to proceed. Vu Phuong Thanh & Hoang Xuan Quyen from Tan Viet Securities Company’s Investment Analysis Division, provide an insight into the many stock price scenarios.
state bank taking more flexible market stance

State Bank taking more flexible market stance

The Vietnam dong is set to further appreciate against the US dollar towards the year’s end. The market rate set by Vietcombank reached a record low for 2007 of VND16,046/USD on November 29.
state ramps up bank equitisation process

State ramps up bank equitisation process

Four leading state-owned commercial banks, Vietcombank, MHB, BIDV and Incombank, will be equitised this year, under a new decision issued by the Prime Minister.

Slow day for Vietcombank bonds

The first listing day seemed to hit Vietcombank convertible bond holders hard due to low demand, and a price that was far less than expected, driving the bond price down to its real value.

Top bank fined for ATM tax fraud

Vietcombank has been found guilty of tax evasion and fraud by the General Department of Customs (GDC), and must pay fines of VND19 million ($1,200).
ssc approves new fund

SSC approves new fund

The State Securities Commission (SSC) has granted a licence to the Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) to set up a securities investment fund management joint-venture company.
bank opens bond services

Bank opens bond services

Vietnam’s bond trading market is set to benefit greatly from Vietcombank’s announcement last week that it will enter bond trading services.
putting pen to paper the toughest step

Putting pen to paper the toughest step

Banks such as Sacombank, Techcombank, VIBank, Vietcombank and BIDV are rushing to pour investment capital into apartment building projects to sell on credit. Bich Ngoc reports on how policies are applied and what difficulties customers will face.
vietcombank in equitisation fix

Vietcombank in equitisation fix

State-owned Vietcombank still insists that issuing preferred shares prior to equitisation is the right course of action, despite strong objections from the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA).

Key bank moves to lift interest rate levels

The country’s biggest state-owned bank, Vietcombank, is considering an increase in its deposit interest rates to keep pace with the continuing rise in the consumer price index.
big banks get capital without clearing debts

Big banks get capital without clearing debts

The government has decided to disburse the last tranche of its recapitalisation fund to the country’s three biggest banks, despite none of them cleaning up their books as agreed under banking reform. The finance ministry would this month distribute VND1.5 trillion ($96 million) among Vietcombank, Agribank and Vietincombank, an official said.
vietcombank and mhb equitisation approved

Vietcombank and MHB equitisation approved

Vietcombank and the Mekong Delta Housing Bank (MHB) will become the first two state-owned banks to start equitisation, following government approval for the move last week.A State Bank official confirmed to Vietnam Investment Review last week that the central bank’s proposal had the verbal approval of the prime minister. Written agreement would be released by the end of the month.
local banks to team up on cards

Local banks to team up on cards

DOMESTIC banks are joining forces in a bid to establish a non-cash payment system which is expected to boom over the next five years, a State Bank official has said.The official was speaking after the recent launch of a joint card service between the Technological and Commercial Bank (Techcombank) and the Bank of Foreign Trade (Vietcombank).
rush on bonds before issuance

Rush on bonds before issuance

Local commercial banks are rushing to buy large volumes of municipal bonds even though the Ho Chi Minh City government has yet to officially launch the issuance. Vietcombank has registered to buy $25.5 million worth of bonds of the $77.6 million issue. The Vietnam Bank for Investment and Development (BIDV) has registered to buy $32.4 million.