PVCFC brings prosperous and golden seasons to farmers

July 01, 2024 | 14:00
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A promotion programme by PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertiliser JSC has brought joy to farmers across the country.

The programme ‘For Prosperous Golden Seasons’, has been running since 2022, with a total value approximating $2.5 million for three successive seasons so far.

PVCFC brings prosperous and golden seasons to farmers
The lucky draws are accessible through QR codes for ease

Pham Van Vu, owner of one of the largest orchards in Tan Chau commune of Khoai Chau district in the northern province of Hung Yen, has been using the NPK Ca Mau fertiliser products of PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertiliser (PVCFC), a unit belonging to state oil and gas group PetroVietnam, for the nearly four years since the products came onto the market.

In response to that trust, Vu’s evergreen orchard has flourished, and he has twice won a mace of gold as part of the PVCFC’s lucky draw promotion programmes in 2022 and 2023. “I feel myself so lucky and deserve the 160-200 bags of fertiliser my garden uses every year,” said Vu.

PVCFC brings prosperous and golden seasons to farmers
Over 400,000 prizes have been handed out to promotion winners

Entering the third season, this year the promotion scheme features over 400,000 prizes, ushering in numerous opportunities to win. The programme’s appeal has also ramped up, as this year it has 80 Honda Blade motorbike prizes and 800 one-mace gold rings as prizes.

As with previous years, joy has spread throughout the local villages as people eagerly register to participate in the programme, waiting for the God of fortune to knock on their door.

One of five people who won a Honda Blade motorbike in the first lucky draw of the 2024 season, Do Danh Hieu, a farmer from the mountainous province of Lang Son, was stunned and then burst into happiness with his wife and children.

“I was so happy, I couldn’t sleep all night,” said Hieu. “This is the first time I’ve used NPK Ca Mau fertiliser. The dealer introduced it as a good quality fertiliser, so I decided to try and didn’t expect such luck. My 400 custard apple trees of Lang Son speciality are growing well. I now also have a brand new motorbike to take my children to school and my wife to the market.”

Besides diversified prizes, this year’s promotion has a breakthrough in QRcode technology. Instead of manual methods, people now only need a few simple code scans to participate. This innovation saves time and effort, and is suitable for people of all ages and technology levels.

Over the past three years since embracing the use of NPK Ca Mau fertiliser, Nguyen Huu Kiem, a farmer from Chu Pah district in the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai, has witnessed remarkable innovations due to the programme.

“Besides material values, the prize also serves as an effective spiritual encouragement for the people,” said Kiem.

Through using NPK Ca Mau fertiliser, his ​​family’s 1.3-hectare coffee have generated stable yields. He also won two one-mace gold rings in two consecutive years, 2022 and 2023.

This year, his joy spread more widely when many neighbours have called on Kiem’s ​​house, guiding each other how to scan QR codes, sharing experiences in coffee growing and the expectations for more successful crops ahead.

From award upgrades to modern technology application, both farmers and agents feel PVCFC’s efforts striving to bring farmers joy and comfort.

Pham Thi Tuoi, the owner of Khanh Tuoi agency based in Bu Dang district in the southern province of Binh Phuoc, is happy as the more farmers that won prizes, the more customers her agent enticed.

“I can see the company’s continuous investment and innovation. The programme is growing stronger and bringing many practical benefits to farmers. The number of farmers winning prizes has increased every year, I am more confident to introduce NPK Ca Mau fertiliser and the initiative to more and more farmers,” said Tuoi.

This year, the ‘For Prosperous Golden Seasons’ programme takes place from March 10 to the end of February 2025.

Customers can scan the QRcode inside the NPK Ca Mau fertiliser bag to participate.

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State-run Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) and many of its subsidiaries have been honoured among the most innovative and creative businesses in Vietnam for 2024, serving as a testament to their joint efforts to advance innovation and creativity towards long-term success.

By Lan Thuy

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