PepsiCo honors eco-friendly retail stores

May 31, 2012 | 09:07
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PepsiCo Vietnam on Monday held the first award ceremony for winners of the title “Eco-Friendly Retail Store” as one of the most significant activities under the annual environmental protection program initiated by PepsiCo.

Joining the program “Uong chai sanh dieu – Gop xanh moi truong,” retail stores nationwide actively support and promote the benefits of glass bottles and recyclable packages to consumers. Through encouraging the use of glass bottles that are less harmful to the environment, eco-friendly retail stores have called for contributions to the nature in a bid to jointly build a better society.

The program with the icon “Think & Drink” was launched in October 2011 to call for consumer choice of beverages in glass bottles for the sake of the green environment.

This year’s program is organized with many new and attractive activities, including a contest to make pictures from glass bottle caps from March 28 to April 27. In addition, PepsiCo Vietnam in April 15 attended the Waste Recycling Day held by the HCMC government in coordination with the city’s department of natural resources and environment.

The award ceremony for eco-friendly retail stores is the latest activity under this program. All of these activities are aimed at raising consumers’ awareness of environmental protection from simple things such as choosing glass beverage bottles, and hence spreading the green spirit to other people.


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