MPI Minister focused on national growth issues

July 22, 2023 | 08:00
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At a conference on reviewing performance in the first half of the year, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung asked sectors to focus on three key issues: economic challenges, policy response, and breakthrough engines for growth.
MPI Minister focused on national growth issues
Minister Nguyen Chi Dung

Due to tough work in addition to regular tasks, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) must simultaneously perform many urgent tasks to meet its practical requirements.

"We have to closely monitor the situation, as well as statistics, research, analysis and forecasts to answer the big questions: What are the main issues of the economy and businesses today? Which policy responses must be adapted to developments in the world fluctuations and the major economies? What are the breakthrough drivers for growth in the short, medium and long term?" Minister Dung.

He highlighted that the workload of the planning and investment sector in the second half of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 was huge, including numerous difficult tasks that were of great significance to the country's socioeconomic development in next years.

He said the MPI will continue to make efforts in the spirit of "solidarity, initiative, dynamism, creativity, innovation, flexibility and drastic and effective action," to achieve the best results over the next few years.

Six groups of tasks and solutions will be implemented. Firstly, the ministry will propose solutions to promote growth in association with maintaining macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation, and ensuring major balances.

Secondly, it will continue to promote the building and perfecting of institutions, mechanisms, policies and legal regulations, especially in the socioeconomic sector, with a long-term vision based on innovation.

Third is to increase mobilisation and effectively promote investment resources of the private sector, foreign investment, and to accelerate disbursement of public investment programme.

Fourth is to develop a plan for 2024, as well as report on the midterm assessment of the five-year plan 2021-2025 on socioeconomic status, public investment, and economic restructuring.

Fifth is identifying problems to and proposing solutions to support business development, as well as promote digital transformation, innovation, new growth drivers, digital economy, digital transformation, green growth, and the circular economy.

Sixth, the MPI units should urgently complete the work and tasks, ensure both quality and progress, and actively coordinate with the units to accelerate the performance.

"To meet the trust and entrustment of the Party, state and people, the whole planning, investment, and statistical sectors must continue to make unceasing efforts, innovation and creation for the common good and completion of the assigned works. We should make effective use of development opportunities, catch up with new trends in worldwide development, and apply creativity on the path to becoming a more prosperous and happy country," the minister said.

MPI minister .......................
Minister Dung listening to the comments and reports of municipal and provincial departments of planning and investment

In the first half of the year, the MPI completed a large volume of work. The ministry advised the government to submit to the National Assembly for promulgation of important laws, resolutions and planning, such as National Master Plan, Law on Bidding (amended), Law on Cooperatives (amended), and a special mechanism for Ho Chi Minh City.

The MPI carried out a preliminary review of the first half of the five-year economic plan; assessment of the socioeconomic situation in the first half, and tasks and solutions for the last six months of the year; submitted resolutions on supporting enterprises and removing difficulties for production and business; as well as finalising other guiding and operating documents on macroeconomics and growth.

The ministry continues to advise and accelerate the allocation of the remaining medium-term public investment plans of ministries, agencies and localities; capital of the socioeconomic recovery and development programme, three national target programmes; and actively advise and propose solutions to accelerate disbursement for specific mechanisms and policies for road traffic projects.

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By Nguyen Huong

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