2025 pivotal for stock market upgrade effort

2025 pivotal for stock market upgrade effort

The Ministry of Finance and the State Securities Commission are making efforts in improving the policy framework to upgrade Vietnam’s stock market to emerging market status by 2025 and ensure its sustainable development in the long-term.
Tightened status necessary for controlling gold market

Tightened status necessary for controlling gold market

Experts are calling for stricter regulations and enhanced transparency to combat money laundering and market manipulation in Vietnam’s gold market.
Van Thinh Phat chief accused of illegally transferring billions

Van Thinh Phat chief accused of illegally transferring billions

Van Thinh Phat Group chairwoman, Truong My Lan, has been accused of illegally transferring over $4.5 billion abroad.
AIIB to spend $75 million on green and blue SeABank bonds

AIIB to spend $75 million on green and blue SeABank bonds

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will invest $75 million in green and blue bonds.
Compulsory e-signature might be cost burden: banking association

Compulsory e-signature might be cost burden: banking association

The Vietnam Banking Association has sent a document to the Ministry of Information and Communications with regard to the draft decree on electronic signatures, saying that if they are made compulsory in banking transactions, it might become a cost burden to both users and enterprises.
Banks pump over 18.88 billion USD into economy in June

Banks pump over 18.88 billion USD into economy in June

Banks lent more than 480 trillion VND (18.88 billion USD) to economic entities in June, demonstrating the sector’s efforts in concretising the Government’s credit goal of 5-6 per cent to the end of Q2.
Interest rate hike may not be suitable answer

Interest rate hike may not be suitable answer

Raising interest rates amid low credit growth will negatively impact the economy and are not the optimal solution for stabilising the current high exchange rate, economists have said.
Stocks mixed, dollar rises as traders weigh Trump shooting

Stocks mixed, dollar rises as traders weigh Trump shooting

Equity markets were mixed Monday as investors weigh the impact of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump with data suggesting it has boosted his chances of being re-elected president.
Bancassurance must deal with stringent new rules

Bancassurance must deal with stringent new rules

Both life and non-life bancassurance is facing pressure to comply with new regulations.
Vietnam securities market should soon adopt NVDR following the model of Thailand

Vietnam securities market should soon adopt NVDR following the model of Thailand

With a strong determination to be upgraded to emerging market status in 2025, Vietnam's securities market needs to improve.
Deposit interest rates continue to rise

Deposit interest rates continue to rise

Banks have continued to raise deposit interest rates to the highest levels seen in the past year, with some banks offering over 6 per cent per annum.
VPBank and IFC to offer $150 million to coffee exporters

VPBank and IFC to offer $150 million to coffee exporters

VPBank and IFC are to provide $150 million in supply chain financing for coffee-exporting companies in Vietnam.
MB committed to supporting South Korean businesses

MB committed to supporting South Korean businesses

MB bank plans to expand opportunities for South Korean businesses investing in Vietnam.
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