Japan offers good opportunity for Vietnam’s textile export

May 07, 2011 | 11:00
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Japan became Vietnam ’s second largest garment and textile export market in the first quarter of this year with total export turnover reaching $334 million, up 41 per cent over the same period last year.
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According to analysts, the rise in Vietnam ’s export turnover to Japan is owing to Japanese importers’ shift from China to Asian suppliers including India , Bangladesh and Vietnam .

Additionally, the Vietnam – Japan Economic Partnership Agreement coming into effect late last year which brought taxes on textile and garment products exporting to Japan to 0 per cent has opened up big opportunities for Vietnam textile industry.

In such favourable conditions, Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (Vitas) predicts that Vietnam’s garment exports to Japan will reach $1.5 billion this year, up over 20 per cent over 2010.

Vietnam earned $1.2 billion from garment and textile export to Japan in 2010, up 20 per cent over 2009.


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