Hung Yen announces its plan for a thriving and active province

July 15, 2024 | 17:24
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A new plan has been determined to drive Hung Yen's socioeconomic development by leveraging a comprehensive growth model.

The Prime Minister issued Decision No.489 on June 10. It approves Hung Yen's provincial planning for the rest of the decade, and looking further to 2050.

Hung Yen announces its plan for a thriving and active province
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh congratulates leaders from Hung Yen, photo Thanh Tan

According to the new scheme, by 2030, Hung Yen will have developed rapidly and sustainably, becoming a modern industrial centre, with an economic scale and development level among the top localities nationwide.

By that time, the province will accommodate synchronous, modern economic and social infrastructure through sustainable development based on the transformation towards a circular economy and green economy.

The province will have developed by harmonizing with nature, with a preserved cultural identity that is to be promoted, and the material and spiritual lives of its people will have improved. National defence, political security, and social order and safety are all guaranteed.

In respect to specific development targets, Hung Yen will aim for a regional GDP growth rate of about 9 per cent per year for the period, with GDP per person thought to be around $11,500 by 2030.

Agriculture and fisheries are expected to account for 3.6 per cent of the local economy; industry and construction for 64 per cent; and the services sector for almost 25.5 per cent. The urbanisation rate by 2030 will be about 60-65 per cent and approximate 80 per cent by 2050.

The digital economy will account for 35 per cent of the regional GDP. Growth in labour productivity will reach 8.5–9 per cent per year. The average contribution of total factor productivity to growth in the period from 2021-2030 will reach 50-55 per cent.

In terms of society, the province's Human Development Index will be among the top 10 localities countrywide. The annual natural population growth rate will be less than 1 per cent. The poverty rate will decrease to less than 0.5 per cent by the end of 2025 and there will be no more poor households by 2030.

Hung Yen’s fresh planning set to develop a thriving and civilised locality  (PR)
Pho Hien, photo Thanh Tan

Hung Yen is expected to become a centrally governed municipality by 2050. Hung Yen is a beautiful and smart city in the Red River Delta, rich in cultural identity, and an economic and social hub for the region.

The plan has also set out two driving growth regions. First is the Southern Development Region which gears towards ​​urban development - science and technology - services - tourism and high-tech applications.

This area shall preserve and promote the core values ​​of the ancient Pho Hien culture and the cultural identity of the Red River Delta centre.

Meanwhile, the Northern Development Region is a dynamic urban-industrial development region connected to Hanoi, Noi Bai International Airport, and important national and international economic-urban corridors (National Highway 5, Hanoi-Haiphong expressway, Hanoi – Haiphong railway) and the Lach Huyen seaport in Haiphong city.

There are two economic corridors; the regional industrial-urban corridor associated with National Highway 5 and Hanoi - Haiphong expressway; and the Red River cultural - historical - ecological corridor that caters to historical, cultural, and ecological tourism associated with the ‘heritage route’ along the Red River.

The new planning has also clearly shaped three strategic breakthroughs to build and develop Hung Yen as follows:

Firstly, the development of a synchronous and modern technical and social infrastructure system, with a focus on prioritising the development of transport infrastructure; industrial parks and industrial clusters; urban infrastructure and new urban areas; cultural, healthcare, education, and training infrastructure; energy, telecommunications, irrigation infrastructure; and infrastructure earmarked for natural disaster prevention and control and climate change.

Secondly, the development of human resources, especially high-quality human resources by combining training, retraining and attracting high-quality workers from outside the province to meet the requirements of industrialisation, modernisation, digital transformation and implementation of high-tech ventures in the province; promoting the distinctive cultural identity of Hung Yen people.

Thirdly, the promotion of science, technology, innovation, and digital transformation in all fields; striving to best avail of the advantages of Industry 4.0 and digital transformation associated with attracting universities, research and development centres leading into the deployment and application of sci-tech, and innovation centres in the province.

Hung Yen’s fresh planning set to develop a thriving and civilised locality  (PR)
Hung Yen city, photo Thanh Tan

Hung Yen has also proposed eight key solution groups.

Based on the provisions of the Law on Public Investment and the ability to balance the state budget, it is important to arrange priority investment capital for important technical and social infrastructure to allure investment from other economic sectors, creating resources to promote rapid and sustainable development of the growth-driving regions of the province.

In addition, the province must develop high quality human resources and closely associate human resource development with sci-tech application and development.

Hung Yen also needs to apply the achievements of Industry 4.0 to propel socioeconomic development, applying it to the production and trading of the province's key products to participate in the global value chain; study and promulgate mechanisms in various fields to attract resources for development such as policies to develop growth driving regions, draw in large investors, and support the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises, among others.

The provincial planning for the period 2021-2030, with vision to 2050, aims to open up new space, creating strong growth momentum, laying the bedrock for Hung Yen to further grow and affirm its position on the path towards sustainable development and deepening international integration footprints.

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By Quynh Nga

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