HSBC Vietnam calls for applications for Future First programme

February 15, 2011 | 09:18
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From 14 to 28 February 2011, HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd calls for applications for the bank’s Future First programme from international and local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) which provide education and life skills for street children, orphans and children in care, as well as vocational training for underprivileged young women in Vietnam.
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By inviting locally-based NGOs to tender project proposals HSBC Vietnam can award funds directly to connect and understand of the needs of the community. The total budget estimated for 2011 is VND700 million ($35,000).

The key areas of focus for Future First projects are formal education, basic early childhood, primary and secondary education, informal education and vocational training to give individuals the capability, resources and opportunity to pursue their personal and household economic goals, as well as offer access to need-based counseling. Educational projects will benefit children below 18 years, and life skills and vocational training projects will target youths aged from 15 to 24 years.

“What we are looking for is those initiatives that will have a long-term benefit for Vietnamese youths, giving them the chance of a brighter future,” said Matthew Martin, chief technology and services officer and chairman of the Corporate Sustainability Committee of HSBC Vietnam.

Over the past four years, 22 projects benefiting disadvantaged children in Vietnam have been funded by Future First Global and HSBC Vietnam totalling over VND10 billion ($500,000).

Over 51,000 underprivileged children from shelters and children’s villages nationwide have benefited from the programme when new furniture was installed in their common study rooms or early education and vocational training classes were conducted to pass on new skills.

By Van Anh

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