Can Tho-Taiwan flights open during Tet holiday

December 16, 2011 | 09:49
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The Director of the Vietnam Airlines office in Can Tho city said on December 15 that the national flag carrier will operate 11 direct flights from Can Tho to Taiwan , China and vice versa during the 2012 lunar new year.

There will be six flights from Taipei , Kaohsiung and Taichung to Can Tho and five from Can Tho to these destinations, with the first flight from Taipei to Can Tho on January 17, 2012.

Each flight is capable of carrying 100-130 passengers on Airbus 321 aircraft.

This is the third year the Vietnam Airlines office in Can Tho city has offered a direct air service to Taiwan to allow overseas Vietnamese to return home to celebrate the Tet holiday.


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