CPTPP is diplomatic success – but can deliver more

CPTPP is diplomatic success – but can deliver more

The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) gives member countries easier access to one another’s markets at preferential tariffs, even tariff-free trade for most items.
Headwinds weakening Vietnam’s economic recovery

Headwinds weakening Vietnam’s economic recovery

Vietnam’s GDP growth was only 3.32 per cent in the first quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Growth accelerated in the second quarter but only to 4.14 per cent – very far from the rapid pace of 7-8 per cent annually before 2020.
Learning the key bank crisis lessons

Learning the key bank crisis lessons

Just over a month ago, the global banking system was shocked by the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and the ensuing wave of panic, which was disastrous for Signature Bank, a New York City lender. The turbulence soon spread to Europe, where Credit Suisse came to the brink of collapse and was eventually forced to merge with large Swiss bank UBS.
Developments for Vietnam to watch in midst of bank crisis

Developments for Vietnam to watch in midst of bank crisis

The banking system is bracing for difficulties after the events surrounding Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse, and others. Patrick Lenain, senior associate at the Council on Economic Policies, shared his views on what should Vietnam watch for during this period.
The return of China: mostly positive news for Vietnam

The return of China: mostly positive news for Vietnam

After three years of isolation, China is finally exiting its restrictive pandemic strategy. Patrick Lenain, senior associate of the Council on Economic Policies, points out how Vietnam might take advantage from this change.
Vietnam in 2023: Facing a recession or a rebound?

Vietnam in 2023: Facing a recession or a rebound?

Vietnam will once again face an uncertain world economy in 2023: high inflation will hurt the real incomes of consumers and depress retail sales in many countries, rising interest rates will cool down housing markets, and property developers will postpone
New exchange rate policy not without risk

New exchange rate policy not without risk

Exchange rate volatility is increasing due to geopolitical shocks across the globe. Thanks to its sound policy framework, Vietnam has remained largely immune to such international turbulence. However, exchange-rate depreciation is not without risks, writes Patrick Lenain, senior associate at the Council on Economic Policies.
Assessing risks of inflation for everyday life in Vietnam

Assessing risks of inflation for everyday life in Vietnam

While inflation has soared around the world, Vietnam has successfully kept it low. However Patrick Lenain, senior associate at the Council on Economic Policies, writes that it is too soon to claim victory because new bursts in food prices could occur, putting at risk the health of undernourished people.
Private sector expected to support the green growth model in Vietnam

Private sector expected to support the green growth model in Vietnam

Last year Vietnam made a remarkable commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Patrick Lenain, senior associate of the Swiss-based Council on Economic Policies, shares some recommendations to encourage the private sector’s role in this ambitious target.
Global monetary tightening: issues for emerging markets

Global monetary tightening: issues for emerging markets

The US Federal Reserve has been increasing its interest rate at a difficult time for emerging markets. Patrick Lenain, senior associate at the Council on Economic Policies, offers his assessment of how the Fed’s interest rate hike affects the Vietnamese market and some solutions to respond to the fluctuations.
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