Tourism Festival launched in Thua Thien Hue Province

February 12, 2011 | 22:43
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The central province of Thua Thien Hue will focus on developing four tourism products in preparation for the National Tourism Year 2012.
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The first one named “Discovering Hue’s treasure” will give chances for tourists to uncover “10 unique features of the Nguyen Dynasty heritage” and “Hue’s culture – most interesting destinations”.

The second one, “Experiencing in Hue”, will provide visitors with cultural and community activities.

The third one called “Enjoying in Hue” will meet the sightseers’ demands for relaxing through programs on resting, entertainment and using tourism products and services.

The last category called “Trans-time journey” will help travelers discover and experience the inter-regional and provincial culture and ecology.

The province regarded tourism as the key economic sector and will give priority to the sector’s development in the next five years, said Mr. Nguyen Van Cao, the Chairman of Thua Thien Hue People’s Committee.

Accordingly, the province has identified key and long-term missions such as bringing into full play the province’s valuable tourist destinations and products, creating a civilized tourist environment and increasing its attractiveness to domestic and foreign visitors.

This year, the province will launch the tourism stimulus campaigns entitled “Hue-truly Vietnam” and “Impressive Hue Grand Sale 2011-2012”, in an effort to draw more attention of local and foreign tourists.


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