HCM City CPI up 0.43 percent in September

September 26, 2016 | 08:00
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Ho Chi Minh City’s consumer price index (CPI) in September increased 0.43% from the previous month, and 2.71% from the same month last year, the municipal Statistics Office reported on September 24.
hcm city cpi up 0.43 percent in september hinh 0

A price hike was seen in seven out of 11 major goods and services groups with the highest rise spotted in education at 4.06% due increasing demands for learning equipment for the new school year.

Other groups saw an upturn in the months were transportation with 0.61%; home appliances, 0.18%; housing, electricity, water, fuel, and construction materials, 0.18%; food and catering services, 0.14%; beverage and cigarette, 0.06%; and apparel, headwear and footwear, 0.02%.

Especially, in the restaurant and catering service group, foodstuff rose 1.72%, food increased 1.17%, and dine-out climbed 0.45%.

Some commodities also experienced a drop in their prices, including culture, entertainment with 0.3%, telecommunication 0.2%, other goods and services 0.02%, and pharmaceutical and health services 0.01%.

The price of US dollar in HCM City rose 0.01% while the gold price fell 0.57% month-on-month.

Meanwhile, the country’s CPI in September increased 0.54% from the previous month and 3.14% from last December, said the General Statistics Office.


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