Viettel to launch mobile money service

December 01, 2021 | 18:49
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Viettel is the last Vietnamese telecom giant to join the mobile money race.
Viettel to launch mobile money service

Viettel's fresh involvement in the mobile money service aims to help promote cashless payments, particularly in rural regions where banking services are not yet available.

The Viettel Money digital financial ecosystem has just been launched by Viettel, with over 300 features that are customised based on the needs of each user in terms of buying-selling transactions, sending money, investing, insurance services, and payment.

Customers may use Viettel Money everywhere, provided there is a Viettel mobile signal, even without an internet connection.

Viettel's telecommunications network currently covers 99 per cent of Vietnam, with services available in 11,000 wards and communities across the country, including rural, border, and island areas. The service will be extended to some remote locations and water areas within 100 kilometres of Vietnam's shores.

To date, all three major Vietnamese telecom groups – Viettel, VinaPhone, and MobiFone – have officially introduced mobile money services across the country.

By Lam Tien

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