US opens door for two Vietnamese fruits

November 07, 2011 | 16:12
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The US is set to lift a ban on the import of litchi and longan fruits from Vietnam following a guarantee from Vietnam’s National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) that it would ensure they are pest-free when shipped.


They had been prohibited from entering the country under the Code of Federal Regulations which keeps out fruits and vegetables from certain countries to prevent the introduction and dissemination of plant pests.

The US Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has prepared a pest risk assessment identifying all pests affecting the two fruits in Vietnam and a risk management document that recommends measures to prevent the pests from entering the US.

It identifies such 33 pests. The APHIS has also developed a systemic approach on measures to mitigate the risks posed by the pests.

The measures require litchi to be grown in orchards registered with and monitored by the NPPO, and both fruits to be irradiated with a 400 Gy dose.

Finally, each consignment of litchi or longan shipped to the US should be accompanied by a certificate issued by the NPPO declaring that the consignment is free of pests.

In the US, the two fruits are grown in Florida, Hawaii, and California.

APHIS said the import of these fruits from Vietnam would not have a major impact on US litchi and longan growers.

Vietnam is expected to ship around 600 tonnes of litchi and 1,200 tonnes of longan.


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