Transport Hospital IPO resounding success

October 20, 2015 | 14:00
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As of October 21, the Hospital of Transport, the country’s first equitised hospital, successfully sold out the whole registered amount of nearly five million shares on the northern Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX).

Notably, 33 investors placed orders of up to 11.7 million shares, 2.4 times higher than the available supply. Besides, the trading session recorded shares sold at VND26,000 ($1.2) apiece, 2.6 times higher than the initial reference price of VND10,000 ($0.46) making it the highest IPO price over the past two months on HNX.

Only one individual and one institutional investor were reported to win the bid, making an average trading price of VND23,597 ($1.08) per share and VND116.6 billion ($5.35 million) in collection, which is VND67.3 billion ($3.09 million) higher than the planned sum.

The sold amount equals to 29.5 per cent of the chartered capital once equitisation is finished.

Under its latest plan, the Hanoi-based hospital expected a chartered capital of VND435.5 billion ($19.98 million), in which the state owns some 73 per cent. The hospital will continue to sell stakes until the government’s holdings fall to 30 per cent.

By By Thanh Xuan

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