Tougher defences needed to combat cybercrime

June 05, 2024 | 10:23
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The cybersecurity landscape in Vietnam is witnessing a rapid increase in threats, and cybercriminals are exploiting new vulnerabilities at an accelerated pace, necessitating the urgent need for a stronger defence strategy.

At a press conference titled "Step Into the Platform Era" held on June 4 at the JW Marriott Hotel by Fortinet, an organisation dedicated to advancing cybersecurity as well as the convergence of network and security trends, representatives from the US-based company asserted that combating cybercrime requires developing a culture of transparent and responsible collaboration across multiple organisations, rather than individual entities operating in isolation within the cybersecurity space.

Tougher defences needed to combat cybercrime
Fortinet exchanging ideas on cyber-related matters

"Every organisation has a role in the collaborative chain against cyber threats," said Nguyen Gia Duc, Fortinet Vietnam country manager. "Collaborating with reputable organisations from both the public and private sectors, including cyber emergency response teams, government agencies, and academic institutions, is one of Fortinet's commitments to enhancing global network protection and resilience."

"The latest threat landscape report from Fortinet highlights the critical role of solution providers, organisations, and businesses. Solution providers must ensure the responsibility of detecting and disclosing information about vulnerabilities and ensuring security throughout the product lifecycle, while organisations and businesses need to pay more attention to the cybersecurity systems they are using," Duc added.

Adding to his colleague's comments, Nguyen Minh Hai, Fortinet system engineer manager, shed light on the lack of attention organisations and businesses give to their cybersecurity systems.

"Cybersecurity systems are only invested with 0.2 per cent of business profits, leading to a cybersecurity workforce lacking skills and depth, while the economic damage is projected to reach $10 trillion by 2025," said Hai

"The adoption of a platform-centric approach, supported by AI technology, is crucial. This approach unifies security tools, enhances operational efficiency, and enables rapid adaptation to emerging threats, helping organisations and businesses build robust and future-proof cybersecurity defences," Hai noted.

According to Fortinet's report, attacks begin on average about five days after new exploit activities are publicly disclosed.

Additionally, Fortinet reported that 44 per cent of the total ransomware and wiper malware targets industries such as energy, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and logistics.

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By Hoang Minh

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