Biden cancels $1.2 bn more in student debt as vote nears

Biden cancels $1.2 bn more in student debt as vote nears

US President Joe Biden said Thursday he was extending his student loan forgiveness program by canceling the loans of an additional 35,000 Americans as he seeks reelection.
Election of National Assembly (NA) and all-level people’s councils expected to select talented people vote

Election of National Assembly (NA) and all-level people’s councils expected to select talented people vote

The election of the 15th National Assembly and all-level people’s councils for the 2021-2026 tenure has kicked off this morning..
Biden takes big stride to winning presidency, Trump claims fraud

Biden takes big stride to winning presidency, Trump claims fraud

Democrat Joe Biden took a huge step Wednesday to capturing the White House, with wins in Michigan and Wisconsin bringing him close to a majority, but President Donald Trump responded with fury as his campaign sued to suspend vote counting.
Greece PM says may drop referendum ahead of confidence vote

Greece PM says may drop referendum ahead of confidence vote

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on Thursday took a step back from a plan to hold a referendum which had incensed European leaders trying to organise a rescue plan for the debt-ridden nation.
Greece races for vast reforms after vote victory

Greece races for vast reforms after vote victory

The Greek government on Wednesday raced to meet a two-week deadline for budget reforms imposed by its EU-IMF creditors in return for another rescue amid efforts to stave off a wider eurozone crisis.