May 28, 2018 | 17:21
Cross-ownership in banks has decreased sharply after the banks recently changed their top leaders at the 2018 annual general meetings of shareholders (AGMs) to meet the central bank’s new regulation.
May 02, 2018 | 11:05
Proposals for draft amended Law on Education by the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), especially regulations on private nurseries, are raising concerns among the public, including parents and nursery school teachers.
March 30, 2018 | 15:19
Wild fluctuations within the bitcoin market have once again sparked debate between investors who believe it is merely undergoing a "correction" and those who see it as a costly fad.
November 07, 2011 | 08:30
Foreign investors are warning of a slump in foreign direct investment if Vietnam’s policy-makers green-light a controversial rule.