Masan High-Tech Materials begins journey towards carbon neutrality

Masan High-Tech Materials begins journey towards carbon neutrality

Masan High-Tech Materials Corporation has set a clear course and ambitious goals towards carbon neutrality and climate protection.
Green production - The key to sustainable development puzzle at Masan High-Tech Materials

Green production - The key to sustainable development puzzle at Masan High-Tech Materials

Green manufacturing is emerging as a “lever” for enterprises to achieve sustainable growth, enhance competitiveness, and gain the trust of customers and partners by making a real difference.
Masan High-Tech Materials reports year full of advances

Masan High-Tech Materials reports year full of advances

Masan High-Tech Materials (HNX-UpCOM: MSR) organised its 2021 annual general meeting with the theme “Go Global”, reporting a successful 2020.
Masan High-Tech Materials realises sustainable development target

Masan High-Tech Materials realises sustainable development target

Masan High-Tech Materials was honoured as one of the Top 50 Sustainable Businesses 2020 by the VCCI, marking the third consecutive year.
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