Sustainability standards to drive the green transition

Sustainability standards to drive the green transition

To thrive amid the global green transition, Vietnamese businesses must continuously update their knowledge and align their strategies with evolving international sustainability standards.
ACCA and Forvis Mazars Vietnam lead dialogue on green transition in finance

ACCA and Forvis Mazars Vietnam lead dialogue on green transition in finance

A panel has discussed the green transition’s impact on the financial sector.
ACCA and Forvis Mazars Vietnam sign MoU

ACCA and Forvis Mazars Vietnam sign MoU

ACCA and Forvis Mazars Vietnam signed an MoU in Hanoi on December 3 to collaborate on fostering a green workforce to support ESG and national goals.
Forvis Mazars Tax & IFRS Dialogue connects businesses

Forvis Mazars Tax & IFRS Dialogue connects businesses

Forvis Mazars is holding a monthly dialogue series in Hanoi.