Exchange rate remains 2024 theme

Exchange rate remains 2024 theme

A surge in Vietnam’s exchange rate has posed challenges for businesses due to rising input costs and currency fluctuations.
Forex rate hike dampens business performance in Q1

Forex rate hike dampens business performance in Q1

The VND-USD exchange rate has risen 5.9 per cent so far this year, badly affecting the performances of a slew of businesses in the first quarter.
Exchange rate pressures could affect interest rates

Exchange rate pressures could affect interest rates

Recent exchange rate pressures are expected to lead to an increase in interest rates, according to the SBV.
Upward trend anticipated in forex rate

Upward trend anticipated in forex rate

The forex market faces pressures in the second quarter.
Businesses face mounting hardships amid rate hike

Businesses face mounting hardships amid rate hike

Businesses across the board are facing multiple hardships from the current high exchange rates.
Exchange rate sparks debate on volatility

Exchange rate sparks debate on volatility

The State Bank of Vietnam’s central exchange rate adjustment has reignited conversations about potential volatility in the currency market.
Expert predictions on forex in 2024

Expert predictions on forex in 2024

A moderate exchange rate movement is forecast for this year.
Exchange rate fluctuations set to carry on this year

Exchange rate fluctuations set to carry on this year

While the most difficult times for exchange rates may be in the rearview mirror, the recovery path is uneven and caution is required.
Soothed pressure on VND-USD exchange prospects

Soothed pressure on VND-USD exchange prospects

The VND-US dollar exchange rate is expected to be on an even keel in the forthcoming time amid abated influencers both at home and abroad.
Exchange rate pressure to soften by year end

Exchange rate pressure to soften by year end

The VND-dollar exchange rate is expected to soften in the coming months.
Exchange rates set to put pressure on bank lending

Exchange rates set to put pressure on bank lending

Exchange rate pressures will hinder the declining trend of interest rates in the near future, though when compared to other economies, the devaluation of the VND remains under control.
Central bank keeps close eye on forex market movements

Central bank keeps close eye on forex market movements

The State Bank of Vietnam is monitoring and taking action to moderate exchange rate movements in the face of weakening regional currencies.
Interest rate anchoring in US supporting VND status

Interest rate anchoring in US supporting VND status

The US Federal Reserve’s July interest rate rise by 0.25 percentage points, resulting in policy rates reaching a 22-year high, may not be the end of the matter given the recent trend of continuously lowering interest rates.
Pressure on exchange rate takes on new look

Pressure on exchange rate takes on new look

In tandem with forecasts regarding potential reductions in policy interest rates, discussions surrounding a potential reduction in reserve requirements have emerged in the last couple of weeks.
Softer exchange rate loom in H2

Softer exchange rate loom in H2

The USD/VND exchange rate is forecast to abate in the months to come, leveraging diverse supportive factors in both domestic and international markets, as well as central bank movement.
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